

Building my profesional protfolio to become employer ready and competitive, links to my Github, Linkedin, Resume, social media and contact information.

Web Screenshot

Table of Content


Build a unique app that displays at least three projects with links to them, make sure all READMES are polished and employee ready as well as the apps themselves. Add links to Github, Linkedin, and a reume, as well as write out a short ‘about me’ section. Include contact information.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

$ git clone git@github.com:ayladillis/ayladillis_portfolio.git
$ cd ayladillis/ayladillis_portfolio.git

Then open in your preferred text editor:

Code Highlight

Within my html I used href to navigate to different parts of my page

Web Screenshot

Inorder to make the slide carousel of cards work I needed to build a function in Javascript, on line 5 specified how many slides I wanted to show at a time; 3 Web Screenshot



Ayla Dillis